By Brodie Crawford  

With the cancellation of the senior trip, there was a time in the semester where  seniors were wondering whether or not prom would be held. 

According to Ms. Stephanie Gianneo, senior advisor and co-COSA, students should not worry. The prom, which will be held at Russo’s on the Bay on June 13th, is definitely on.

“Prom is not canceled,” she said.

In order to attend prom, which cost $175, students needed to complete a prom packet and also have it notarized.

Despite a sagging interest from students at first, there had been an uptick in promotions for prom, many of which stated that prom would be canceled if more students didn’t put down their deposits. 

One of the problems that some seniors said was that there was a perception that the senior council was threatening to cancel prom rather than promoting it if there weren’t enough students interested. 

“A lot of kids were waiting until the last minute, and we kind of used the prom getting canceled as kind of a… it was a threat,”  said Jake Harmon, president of senior council. “No one was going into that meeting saying `yeah, we’re actually going to cancel prom, we were going in trying to incentivize them to come now, and not wait until the last minute. ‘”

Senior Gabriella Montalto said the threatening marketing attempt was not successful.

 “The only time (senior council)  talk(s) about prom is saying that they’re going to cancel it, so obviously everyone’s like `oh, womp womp, whatever,’ ”  said Montalto.

Another reason why some students questioned whether there would be a prom was because the senior trip to Philadelphia was unexpectedly canceled in February without a grade-wide announcement.

According to senior advisor and co-COSA Ms. Melanie Gancitano, the senior trip was canceled because there wasn’t enough interest in it. The cost of the two-day, one -night trip was $400, and many Murrow seniors felt it wasn’t worth it,

“Only a few people paid for it, and we wound up losing money on our deposit,” she said. “So, you know, it’s unfortunate, but we try to move on and do other things.”

Senior Bonnie Chen found it hard to rationalize the high price, considering the destination.

“No, it was $400 to do what –  Pennsylvania? Right?” she said. “Yeah, it was like two days and nobody wanted to go because you can literally take a bus from New York.”

Harmon said the senior trip destination was voted on by students on the senior council. 

Other students felt they would have chosen a different destination for the senior trip if given the choice. One of those students was Daniel Davis, who stated: “Like, I’m trying to go to Six Flags, I’d rather plan my own trip for $500, you know? Six Flags with the boys.”

Harmon said there wasn’t much interest in that destination.

 “We had a lot of feedback that people didn’t want Six Flags,” he said. 

Featured Image: Russo’s on the Bay, the venue where prom will be held on June 13th