By Valerie Evans and Tanvirul Alam

The seniors were slam dunked by the real seniors. 

The Senior-Faculty Murrow basketball game saw the seniors lose to the faculty 71-68 on March 17th in Gym 1A after ISS teacher Mr. Dillon Hicks sank a 3-pointer at the buzzer.

With 5 seconds left on the scoreboard, Mr. Hicks dribbled the ball waiting for the seconds to go by before shooting and scoring as the buzzer went off and sending the crowd into a screaming frenzy.

“It felt amazing when we won, I felt incredibly happy when I shot the winning 3-pointer,” Mr. Hicks said.

Image: The Senior-Faculty basketball game in action.

Senior Saboor Aziz, 17, said he was disappointed with the outcome.

“We thought we were gonna have an easy win,” he said. “But apparently the teacher decided to hit some shots.” 

The game was off to a good start with the seniors way ahead of the faculty at half by a score 38-28. However, the faculty began to catch up, tying the score at 64 with 3:37 left. 

Mr. Andrew McGill, an ISS teacher, was happy for a chance to rub in the victory. 

“We destroyed the senior team,” he said. “We balled on them so hard and showed them who the true pros were.”

Image: A senior player tries to steal the ball from Mr. McGill.

Frankie Santoro, a senior who was the point guard, said his team could’ve played better.

“I felt like we didn’t really play as a team,” he said . “It was more individual but at the end of the day it was a lot of fun and we should’ve won.”

Mr. Jarret Melendez, a physical Education  teacher, scored 21 points to lead the way for the faculty. Mr. Ralph Woods, an ISS teacher, also scored 19 points. 

“It was a blast playing against the student team,” Mr. Melendez said. “They were all ferocious and rigorous and overall it was a really close match,” 

The students were led by Talha Aamir, a former Murrow student who transferred to South Shore HS, with 21 points. Santoro scored 14 points  after a slow first-half start.  The game was closely contested and even before the tip off there was a lot of  talk.

“I mean before the game even started we had a lot of trash talk before the game you know Mr. (John)  Faciano is a big trashtalker,” Aziz said

Image: the game’s winning shot.

Mr. Faciano, faculty and yearbook advisor as well as coach of the teachers and player  said he was confident the students never stood a chance.

“I was born for this moment,” said Mr. Faciano, who scored two points. “We will destroy them.”

Faciano couldn’t have been more on point.

Senior Game Stats:

Faculty Game Stats: