By Anna Levinson

Although Just Dance has always been an incredibly popular game, it’s more than Just Dance to Julianna Spoto.

The junior created the Just Dance Club and saw it as a therapeutic break from a stressful school day.

“I just always thought it would be cool to start a club,” said Spoto, “and I figured it’d be nice to start a club that’s a break from all the work that you do all day and just dance.”

The multiplayer game has a wide variety of choreography and music where you can copy the dance moves shown by actors on the screen.

All students are welcome to unwind after a day of school and dance on Mondays in room 368 from 3pm-4pm.

The first session of the club was March 6th, shortly after the Spring Club Fair that took place on March 3rd.

Each club session begins with members, typically 10 per meeting, making space by sliding desks and chairs to the back of the classroom. Then song suggestions are taken and are pulled up for free on Youtube for Just Dance and played on the board in the front of the room.

The dances typically consist of pop songs, mostly from the 2010s, and any popular oldies from decades like the 80’s.

Advisor of the club and principal, Mr. Allen Barge, shared the positives of the club for students who are considering joining.

“It’s important to do something fun for a few minutes,” Mr. Barge said. “It’s a great way to connect with your classmates.”

When it comes to his participation in the dancing for the Just Dance club, Mr. Barge said it will happen in the future.

“I didn’t do it last week because we just got everyone set up and we were having fun,” said the principal, “but I’ll jump in at some point.”

Junior Jayla Harrison said what enticed her to join the club a few weeks ago was her friend, Julianna, who started the club.

“I thought it would be fun because whenever we hang out we always play Just Dance,” said the 16 year old, “so it should be nice to just be free.”

Image: Just Dance club members Lizzie Oliveri-DiSalvio (left) and Jayla Harrison (right) strike a pose.

The junior also talked about what she liked most about the club.

“It’s pretty fun, low maintenance,” said Harrison, “no one’s gonna judge you.”

Spoto talked about what inspired her to start the club and her history with Just Dance.

“I used to play a lot when I was younger and then I started playing again recently and I’m like ‘oh it’s really fun’,” Spoto said, “and you can do it with a group so I’m like why not just make a club out of it?”

While the club wasn’t made specifically as a form of exercise, it can definitely still qualify as a work-out.

“Usually everyone who does the dances are usually tired by the end if you do all of them,” said Spoto.

Spoto said that the club was made to provide a stress-free environment where students can unwind after school.

“The purpose was to create a space,” Spoto said, “where everyone could have fun or relax after a long day of classes.”

Freshman, Pearl Fogelson, joined the club with a friend while browsing the club fair, and really enjoyed the experience so far.

“It’s really fun and also because there’s not really much competition,” said Fogelson. “It’s a great calm-down after a stressful school day.”

According to Spoto, you don’t need to know how to play Just Dance or even come every week to be a part of the club.

“Whenever you feel like having fun with your friends after school one day and don’t know what to do, just stop by.”

Featured Image: A “Just Dance” video plays on the Smartboard during a club meeting.